The Assembly

Media Archives

Thank you for visiting our Assembly Church Media Page. We hope and pray that these teachings are a blessing to you.

If you're in the area please feel free to visit us in person. We look forward to seeing you. We'll save a seat for you!

Faith Speaks


Pastor Dr. Rodney Kyles


Various Special Guest Speakers

Take a few minutes out of your day to tune in as Pastor Dr. Rodney Kyles shares valuable insights into the Word of God! Learn how to rightly divide the Word of Truth while increasing your faith.

Faith is Powerful - Faithful is Active - Faith Speaks


To Every man an answer


Pastor Dr. Rodney Kyles

Assembled for Answers is where Pastor Dr. Rodney and Karman Kyles answer various questions about the christian faith.

Members and guests of The Assembly Church get answers pertaining to the bible, obstacles believers may face in their lives

or simply have questions about the everyday life of a believer.

Please join Pastor Rodney and Karman Kyles as they tackle today's toughest questions regarding the christian faith!


Assembly Table Talk


Pastor Dr. Rodney kYles

And Special guest

Assembly Church Members and Guests:

We appreciate you taking the time to visit our website to take in the Word of God. We encourage you to visit as often as you desire to help build your faith. However, please note that this online resource is not intended to take the place of you and your family physically assembling yourselves together with other believers in a bible based church. We strongly encourage you to find yourself a Holy Spirit filled church where you can be fed and held accountable. If you are in the Corona area please visit us at The Assembly. 


Moments of Faith


Pastor Dr. Rodney Kyles

Tune in to "Moments of Faith" to hear Pastor Dr. Rodney Kyles as he shares brief insights into the Word of Faith. 

Stay Renewed. Stay Encouraged. Stay in Faith.   


the assembly church

special events